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LETTERS: Clear views on rainbow crossing

Editor: Re: ‘Inclusive’ crossing, June 1; Rainbow crossing for Surrey, June 8
Efforts by Ernie Klassen, Ruth Allard and Louise McKnight for a symbolic crosswalk at Five Corners receives mixed responses. (Alex Browne photo)


Re: ‘Inclusive’ crossing, June 1.

It seems there are some people in our community wondering why we need a rainbow crosswalk.

To these people I say, be grateful you don’t need a crosswalk. Rainbow crosswalks have sprung up all over the country as a sign of inclusion, acceptance and support. It is a loving gesture that helps combat the high rate of suicide amongst gay and transgender youth. It says, “our community will look after and care for you.”

Many people do not realize how important this is to those who commonly feel marginalized. Most LGBTQ people were bullied in their youth and some into their adult life. They are far more likely than the average population to be victims of domestic, drug and alcohol abuse.

And then there is the subtle discrimination. My partner and I have lived and worked in this beautiful community for 20 years. We have owned a house, raised our children and plan to retire here. But when we go to the bank for a home-improvement loan, we wonder what the loan officer will think of us. Perhaps we should tell the border guard that we are just friends? What if our child’s teacher doesn’t approve of us?

This constant need to question who you are and live in shame is exhausting and humiliating.

So, yes, I support a symbol that says that this community accepts me and others. Believe me, I long for the day when such symbols aren’t necessary, when all people are accepted and treated with the equality we deserve. But I will tell you, we are not there yet.

Any act of kindness and love, in today’s world should be embraced. When we as a community reach out to any group with love and acceptance it makes us all better people.

As we raised our children, we taught them to be kind to others and look out for the underdog and that is what I like to think White Rock is doing.

Susy Tucker, White Rock

• • •

An open letter to White Rock council.

I recently was advised of your plans to permit rainbow crosswalks in the City of White Rock.

Last week, I found out the City of Surrey was in the midst of doing the same, however, they did so behind closed doors and did not permit the public to respond (Rainbow crossing for Surrey, June 8).

Through engaging the Surrey mayor, I was able to provide evidence to support reasoning to oppose this decision. Although my original concerns were regarding the cost, as I had read a report in Langley Times, it has since caused me to dig deeper and look at what was behind it.

Unfortunately, Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner is choosing to hide behind the word of ‘intolerance’ rather then genuinely read through the material and acknowledge the growing and legitimate concerns of Canadians. How can any reasonable conversation take place if we are constantly shut down by these words that are meant to silent Canadians? How do we go about respectfully opposing anything anymore? How did we submit compelling evidence, if it is only going to be rejected due to political correctness?

This movement is harming our society and hugely impacted our children.

Although I deeply understand the reason why this family wants to promote these sidewalks, I believe it is time to take a step back and truly understand the meaning behind the symbol, as it most certainly no longer represents what it once did. The LGBTQ political movement no longer represents the plight of the gay and lesbian community and, instead, are shamefully exploiting them while they are powerfully permitted to impact the rest of society – in our schools and through our government telling us what we can and cannot say.

It is time to take a stand against this. It begins simply by denying the request for a sidewalk and refusing to further fly the rainbow flag.

Tanya Gaw, Surrey