The co-editor of a collection of essays that share personal journeys of people returning to their motherlands as visitors will be at Black Bond Books in Semiahmoo Shopping Centre Saturday (Dec. 7) to celebrate its recent launch and sign copies.
Taslim Jaffer – former 'Building Bridges' columnist for Peace Arch News – said Back Where I Came From: On Culture, Identity, and Home is a series of 26 narratives that grew from her own realization in 2019 that "at the age of 40, that half of my life, at least, had gone by without me seeing my birthplace."
"It got me wondering what happens when other people go back to their motherland," she said.
"That's what we (Jaffir and co-editor/fellow contributor Omar Mouallem) asked the writing world."
Jaffer's experience returning to Mombasa, Kenya is among stories written by contributors from across North America, all of whom share a common bond: "living between two cultures."
The South Surrey resident said the essays take readers around the world, exploring what "home" means to each of the writers. The book, she noted, was among two anthologies listed in Quill & Quire's fall preview.
Its official launch took place Nov. 19 in Edmonton. At Saturday's event, set for 1 to 3 p.m., Jaffir will be joined by fellow contributor Esmeralda Cabral, who was born in Portugal.
Cost of the book is $29.99. For those who can't make it out Saturday, it's also available online at