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VIDEO: Orcas spotted off White Rock shores

Bigg’s killer whales can be seen year-round: tour operator

A pod of killer whales spotted in Semiahmoo Bay this week caught the attention of at least one waterfront visitor Thursday (Aug. 31) evening.

Richard Hannusch said he saw the group of at least five of the mammals from the beach just before 7 p.m. and watched them for around 15 minutes.

“I’ve never seen a pod in WR before, and this is only my 3rd time seeing one here,” Hannusch told Peace Arch News by email Friday.

The whales were likely Bigg’s whales – as opposed to the endangered southern residents – said Andrew Newman, owner of White Rock Sea Tours. Also known at Transients, they’re a common sighting year-round on tours, but never cease to amaze, he said.

READ MORE: PHOTOS: Killer whales swim past White Rock on Canada Day

“We see Bigg’s killer whales every day,” Newman said. “They’re the ones that throw animals through the air.

“It’s very exciting to see them in the area, and they’re thriving. That’s a celebration.”

Three whales – one larger, two smaller – can be seen in video posted Thursday (Aug. 31) to White Rock Sea Tour’s Facebook page.

Newman noted his operation has permission to get up to 200 metres away from the Bigg’s whales, through a signed sustainable whale watch agreement.

A pod of Bigg’s killer whales (orca) delighted onlookers by going for a swim in Semiahmoo Bay off White Rock beach on Thursday, Aug. 31. (Kate Richards photo)
A pod of Bigg’s killer whales (orca) delighted onlookers by going for a swim in Semiahmoo Bay off White Rock beach on Thursday, Aug. 31. (Kate Richards photo)
A pod of Bigg’s killer whales (orca) delighted onlookers by going for a swim in Semiahmoo Bay off White Rock beach on Thursday, Aug. 31. (Kate Richards photo)
A pod of Bigg’s killer whales (orca) delighted onlookers by going for a swim in Semiahmoo Bay off White Rock beach on Thursday, Aug. 31. (Kate Richards photo)

Tracy Holmes

About the Author: Tracy Holmes

Tracy Holmes has been a reporter with Peace Arch News since 1997.
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