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Most want South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre to stay: poll

Centre's lease runs out in June
Current and former students, parents, faculty and politicians gathered in front of the South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre in Surrey on Jan. 25.

A recent Peace Arch News poll shows overwhelming community support for keeping the South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre open.

With its lease set to expire in June, the building is in need of renovations and repairs; officials says it's a necessary cut due to funding issues.

Asked whether Surrey Schools should keep the learning centre open, 297 readers voted 'Yes, absolutely.' Another 17 voted 'Yes, it seems like a good idea,' while 'No' got 13 votes, and 'No, I don't think they can afford it' received 15 votes.

Undecided voters cast six ballots, for a total of 348 votes in the approximately two-week poll. 

The Peace Arch News poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of White Rock or other areas.

Tricia Weel

About the Author: Tricia Weel

I’m a lifelong writer and storyteller, and have worked at community newspapers and magazines throughout the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island.
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