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LETTER: 'Gift' of parkland to Surrey raises questions

Excluding South Surrey golf course land from ALR has complications: letter


Re: Proposal looks to exclude land from ALR at Surrey golf course

I live near the golf course and have played the bulk of my golf there over the past 43 years.

There are two things we know will happen if this proposal goes ahead as requested.

The first will be the death of the beautiful, 96-year-old entity we call Portal Golf – the second will be a meteoric rise in property value for the 50 retained acres involved in this proposal – it stands to reason that if I can give away two-thirds of my property, the remaining one-third must be very valuable indeed.

The 100-acre “gift” of parkland off loads the associated costs of care and maintenance onto the City of Surrey which the City may choose not to accept.

The profit potential for the owners is staggering and would seem to be the main reason to have these lands removed from the ALR.

Bruce Middleton