The cost of living is a very big concern for Canadians. The cost of transportation is one place costs could be brought down.
Ocean freight Importers are given an allotted number of free days, to pull their freight from the docks. Importers pay daily dock storage charges for each day above and beyond the allotted free time. Dock charges are in the hundreds of dollars per container per day. These charges apply to weekends and holidays when the docks are closed. The importer has no access on weekends, must pay dock storage charges before gaining possession of their container; without recourse.
These costs will be passed on to consumers.
We all want good security at the port; however, when a container is chosen to be inspected, it will cost the importer many thousands of dollars, it can take weeks for an inspection to be done.
In my opinion, at the very least having the port open seven days a week would be a start.
Cheryl Reilly, Surrey