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LETTER: Surrey Bus Rapid Transit just costly 'public relations'

A conceptual sketch of TransLink's planned Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).


Re: Surrey bus rapid transit

The Surrey Bus Rapid Transit can be opened within a year if they just upgrade the present bus-only curb lanes on King George Boulevard that are being used by the existing R1 RapidBus and 321 and 394 buses.

The cost would be $20 to $30 million versus the proposed centre lanes BRT of $300+ million that will take five years to construct. TransLink's claim in their promotional YouTube video about BRT being 40 per cent faster than the current express buses is false. It will be the same travel time as the present 394 Express bus.

TransLink refuses to do proper public engagements on BRT like has been done in Ottawa, where 500 plus people registered for a BRT meeting.

Surrey-Delta-White Rock-Langley needs a proper redesign of the bus and train plans as very few changes have been made since 1975. Need a proper network of Local, Express and Super Express buses like in other progressive cities.

Mode share south of the Fraser is 80+ per cent of all trips are by cars! Only less than 20 per cent are by transit, walking and cycling (sustainable transportation).

Nathan Davidowicz, Vancouver