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9-11 emotions don’t diminish

Editor: Re: 9-11 victims remembered at Peace Arch Park, Sept. 13. Many heartfelt thanks to Guy Morrall for organizing the tribute to the victims of the 9-11 attacks.


Re: 9-11 victims remembered at Peace Arch Park, Sept. 13.

Many heartfelt thanks to Guy Morrall for organizing the tribute to the victims of the 9-11 attacks.

We had witnessed the attacks while commuting to our offices in Manhattan and are very grateful for those who helped the millions of us through the horrific chaos.

We told our son, a New York City paramedic who was one of the first responders at the World Trade Center, and he was touched by Morrall’s remembrance and your paper’s coverage of it.

The best show or movie that truly gives an idea what it was like on Sept. 11, 2001 – including before it happened and the aftermath – is the Oliver Stone movie World Trade Center, starring Nicholas Cage.

He showed the buses, ferries and trains going in and the empty seats after. It took us two hours to recover from watching the film.

We saw it again on CBC last Sunday, and it had close to the same effect, 10 years later.

Christine & Brendan Read, White Rock