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Business backs six-lane bridge

Editor: There has been a great deal of concern over the last six months that there was to be a change in the government view on the solution to replacing or refurbishing of the 74-year-old Pattullo Bridge connecting Surrey with New Westminster.


There has been a great deal of concern over the last six months that there was to be a change in the government view on the solution to replacing or refurbishing of the 74-year-old Pattullo Bridge connecting Surrey with New Westminster.

In the fall of 2010, it was learned the Department of Transportation had asked TransLink to review its plans for the crossing and investigate whether refurbishing the span would be a satisfactory alternative to building a new bridge.

For quite a long time now, it appeared there was no alternative to replacement being considered, and when the request came to light, there was considerable concern that a less-than-satisfactory conclusion would be decided, i.e. not to replace the bridge.

Subsequently, TransLink has announced the only viable solution would be to replace the bridge. However there is still some concern that they may opt for a four-lane span rather than the six-lane structure that many agree is the appropriate solution to current and future needs.

There is still some discussion as to how the bridge would be paid for, so the Surrey Board of Trade can wait until an overall funding position for TransLink is determined before taking a position on that.

The Surrey Board of Trade, as Surrey’s business organization, endorses and supports the construction of a new, six-lane bridge to replace the old span.

Anita Patil Huberman, Surrey Board of Trade