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City should be camera shy

Editor: Re: White Rock eyes waterfront cameras, June 14.


Re: White Rock eyes waterfront cameras, June 14.

Some may think that the issues of cameras is important, but it has to be well-reasoned and based on far more tangible facts at hand.

To think that we will be the first without hefty opposition in the courts and matching legal bills we would be foolish.

This item is considered by many as the thin edge of the wedge, if you will, and both mayor and council are on a very slippery slope on this issue.

This seemingly small issue is going to lead us down a very perilous road that we will take at our own risk and expense.

We might be creating an environment that is unwelcome to those who might wish to visit our city, and with the absence of better reasoning, we risk further harm to our local small business community as well.

Ron Eves, White Rock