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Concern after uptown trip

An open letter to the City of White Rock. On Oct. 19, the sunny break got me into the mood to purchase my Christmas panto tickets.

An open letter to the City of White Rock.

On Oct. 19, the sunny break got me into the mood to go purchase my family’s Christmas panto tickets at the White Rock Playhouse on Johnston Road.

I looked to assess the traffic and locate the crosswalk when suddenly my right ankle turned over and I toppled to the street. A gentleman asked if he could assist – thank you – and commented on the uneven condition of the streets.

I was able to stand – the diagnosis of a severe sprain versus fracture is still to be determined – go to the theatre to purchase the tickets.

I spoke with two people there about my accident, and they both told me of the dangerous conditions of the brick-meets-tree-roots streets.

I took the time to assess the state of your streets as I left, as my ankle was quite swollen by this time and I had to limp back to my car. I was appalled; these ‘quaint’ brick streets are a danger at best and a life-changing disaster at worst.

Are you aware of the number of seniors who, because of a fall involving a broken bone, must prematurely enter an assisted-living arrangement; their independence cut short because of such a preventable accident such as mine. Have you not seen the ads?

Each year we read about how we are responsible to clear the walks in front of our homes and businesses from snow and ice, to prevent falls of our fellow citizens. When will you take the responsibility and even out your streets, maintain them and make them safe to use?

Maybe this is the reason we read how the businesses along Johnston Road always seem to be struggling to survive, while those on Marine Drive fare better.

I occasionally use the walkway along to the pier with no problems with its maintained surface; why can’t you do better uptown?

Susan Richardson, Surrey