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Don’t reward vice industries

Editor:Why privatize alcohol sales, thus giving private interests the profits from the sales of one of the world’s worst social vices?


Really, why privatize alcohol-beverage sales, thus utterly foolishly giving private interests the profits from the sales of one of the world’s worst – if not the worst of – social vices?

Every cent of profit from all sales of that poison, with a figurative demon in every bottle, should not ever go to personal-monetary-gain share-holders’ pockets; it, morally speaking, should go back into, for one thing, B.C.’s seemingly-lacking public health-care system.

Indeed, it’s high time that our provincial and federal governments exhibited the warranted political will to buy out the entire alcoholic-beverage and tobacco production industries.

Such products should be owned by the people, especially if scores of us – and, in particular, our young people – are going to pay for, get seriously ill and die from such products.

Why should any private interest profit, and so greatly so, from such addictive vices?

And while they’re at it, the governments within Canada should acquire full control over all of our natural resources – to be completely government owned and operated, with all profits and benefits going to all Canadians.

Frank G. Sterle, Jr., White Rock