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For the sake of humanity

Editor: Recently, I came across a quote: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”


Recently, I came across a quote: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

Our poor Mother Earth with people unable to live side-by-side – feeling hatred, envy, greed, discord – and the good things seem to vanish behind the shadow of apathy. This cannot happen as long as people do not take a stand and work to rectify the wrong.

The other day I saw a slideshow of Iran and to my surprise and shock, I read on a billboard, “Down with the U.S.A.” – this in a country that has relied heavily on the U.S. to give them aid, even sacrificing the lives of its citizens, not to mention other forms of support.

Yes, there have always been wars of one kind or another but not to the extent of present-day situations and the many countries involved.

The daily lives and struggles of these people are hard to imagine.

Let us hope and pray and even try to do something, no matter how little, to save man and the earth from total destruction. Perish power and greed, then perhaps the world and its inhabitants stand a fair chance before it’s too late.

M. Downey, White Rock