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Good old days in perspective

Editor: Re: Words to love by, Dec. 20 letters.


Re: Words to love by, Dec. 20 letters.

Letter-writer Ruth Kyle describes her wonderful life of 70 years ago.

This is how it was 70 years ago for others in Canada:

Despite the Ten Commandments on the wall, aboriginal children were being beaten and raped by the clergy of all Christian denominations charged with their education.

Death rates were astronomical.

Canadians of Asian heritage were denied the vote, as were aboriginals, despite their courage in the war defending a country that denied them basic rights. Both Asian and aboriginal people faced bullying by those who could never be described as “friendly and considerate.”

Gays and lesbians placed their lives at risk if they were identified.

Any female faced with an out-of-wedlock pregnancy was ostracized and the baby was usually adopted out regardless of the mother’s wishes.

The removal of Christian posters and prayers from schools was a necessary step in granting freedom of religion to other faiths. Today’s Canada has addressed some of these issues but still has a long way to go.

Christianity’s progress can be measured by the blessing, by the current Pope, of Uganda’s “Kill the gays” minister.

Will Rogers once said something that went, “Things ain’t what they used to be and probably never was.”

Patrick Thomas, Surrey