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I’m prepared to take my penalty

Editor: I have contacted everyone I can think of to have something done with regard to speeders on 8 Avenue near Hall’s Prairie Elementary.


I have contacted the RCMP, city hall and everyone I can think of to have something done with regard to speeders on 8 Avenue near Hall’s Prairie Elementary.

Under pressure, the city installed flashing lights at both ends of the school zone, with some reduction in speeders 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., however, many of them have fallen back into their old heavy-on-the-gas habit.

Heading east, there is a tree blocking the school-zone sign as well as the flashing lights. It took a total of three calls to the Surrey road-maintenance department to have this addressed, including my last call where I stated: “Forget about it. I will take my chain saw and remove the tree myself, as it appears school zones and children’s safety is not a issue.”

The next day I noticed someone had painted the tree where I suppose it was to be cut. Interestingly, the spray-paint person did not have a saw in the Surrey truck.

Well that resulted in at least having the tree trimmed. However, the spray-paint marks have now been on the tree for 1½ weeks, so I will be firing up my chainsaw asap and looking after it myself.

And regarding the speeders, I will be doing a test run at the 30 km/h school zone from both the west and east directions to the school driveway and note how long it takes to cover these lengths.

Then I am selecting the correct size of rocks, and will be standing in the school driveway timing the drivers. Anyone who gets to the recorder spot faster than what I have timed will be introduced to a rock hurled at their vehicle. I fully understand that this may be breaking the law. I am prepared to take my penalty and then ask the authorities: “What about the speeders?”

I understand the RCMP may be busy doing other internal things, abusing female members, having sex acts in the RCMP office, Tasering a person at the airport, lying in court, killing a motorcycle driver then leaving the scene and never being charged with that offence while remaining on full pay for four years.

Does anyone have the guts to clean house? Man, try any of these actions as a common person and see what happens.

Anyway, the RCMP are out of control and out of our control, so I will be directing my energy to the speeders. Maybe I will see you in the press. Oh, forgot – the press sells tears, not smiles.

Fred Somers Sr., Surrey