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Less rhetoric, more research

Editor: Re: Ottawa takes lead on training, March 26 column.


Re: Ottawa takes lead on training, March 26 column.

l read the column by Tom Fletcher with dismay.

Does he not realize what income inequality is? Is he denying that it exists? And what, you ask, does this have to do with student debt?

Perhaps we should turn to others less educated and illustrious than Fletcher for our information.

A trip to Wikipedia will offer pages of information:

From a recent OECD report we see that, “Income inequality in OECD countries is at its highest level for the past half century.”

Or, read the Economist which features articles proclaiming growing inequality is one of the biggest social, economic and political challenges of our time.

Or, listen to David Cameron, the prime minister of Britain, who two years ago said, “Research by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, in The Spirit Level, has shown that among the richest countries, it’s the more unequal ones that do worse according to almost every quality of life indicator.”

Mr. Fletcher, please read this research and educate yourself.

What does income inequality have to do with student debt?

In the ’60s, a widowed woman working at Eaton’s as a clerk could see both her children graduate with university degrees and not see them burdened with debt. That woman was my mother.

Empty rhetoric indeed!

Judy Peterson, White Rock

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I am trying to figure out who or what columnist Tom Fletcher was campaigning for in his piece, but all that was missing in this article was a copy of his Conservative party membership card.

He calls himself a political reporter and then writes a completely politically biased column like this.

We need reporters that can report and comment on the new without imposing their own personal political leanings on your readers. We all have our own political beliefs, but this story just goes too far.

If I want to read unbiased reporting obviously, Peace Arch News is not where I will find it.

Stephen Gale, Surrey