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LETTER: 'Iconic' South Surrey golf course deserves better

Proposal to remove land from ALR seems opportunistic, this writer says
Low-lying sections of the Hills at Portal golf course are prone to flooding, this writer says.


Re: Proposal looks to exclude golf course land from ALR (Peace Arch News, Nov. 21)

When anyone with any common sense decides to put tens of millions of dollars into an investment they do their due diligence before they purchase, not after they have spent their dollars. The amount of maintenance required for the golf course has been right there in plain sight for years. 

The proposal outlines two discrete parcels for removal from the ALR including all the level, high ground (most valuable) on the property. Why not take a single slice of land and leave more of the course intact?

The portion of the property being gifted to the city is either sloped or low lying close to a river. The river floods easily in the winter and the slopes are treacherous to walk on when wet.  Who willl pay for the maintenance and upgrades needed to make this environment safe for folks to use?

Fancy taking your dog for a walk here? (See photo above). 

In my opinion the owners are opportunists trying to make a bucket of money with little consideration for an iconic golf venue that has been around for almost 100 years.

Mary Feenan