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LETTER: Let couple stay in the woods

Editor: Re: Couple evicted after decade in woods, Oct. 14.


Re: Couple evicted after decade in woods, Oct. 14.

I find it more than a little bit ridiculous to evict Roy Mercer and Darlene Fox from the Crowder property in South Surrey.

They have lived there for 10 years now without incident.

I would surmise the majority of the people passing the area have not had any knowledge regarding their situation. The place can not be seen from late spring to early autumn, while the foliage is still clinging to the branches. Even in winter, when the trees are bare, it’s hard to notice their little encampment unless one is looking for it.

Now, because of someone who, to me, seems morally bankrupt, they are forced to move. I would be interested to know the nature of the complaint. Certainly not noise, smell or unsightliness.

This couple is independent, living on their wits and wherewithal to fend for themselves, rather than on handouts from the government.

Rather than being vacated, they should be praised for doing that which the majority of us could not – nor would not – do.

Leave them alone.


W. Al Riede, Surrey