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LETTER: Take shark fin soup off the menu



This letter is for everyone who cares about this Earth we live on and respect for animals and all that lives in the oceans.

Shark-fin soup is something we have all heard of and is banned in the most high-class restaurants and hotels throughout the world.

Maybe you don’t know how the fins are obtained. They are obtained in the most cruel and reckless manner.

The fins are cut off and the sharks are thrown like garbage back into the ocean to die a cruel death.

I would like you to know we now have a restaurant in South Surrey that serves this item. My husband and I tried their food after it opened. My husband noticed it on the menu but didn’t tell me until the next day, knowing I would walk out.

I went in a few days later and saw the manager and very politely asked if he served it. He proceeded to get me a menu and show me, “yes we do.”

I asked him if he knew it was banned in many hotels and restaurants around the world.

I asked him, if he knew how the fins were obtained. He replied, “from China” and walked away.

If we don’t start respecting all creatures and sea life, we stand no chance of survival or calling ourselves decent human beings.

Senga Cowie, White Rock.