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LETTER: Thanks to Khalil Jessa for speaking out against Islamophobia

'The way racism and prejudices are being normalized in North America is a cause of worry': letter
Thank you to Khalil Jessa for his column regarding anti-Muslim hate and the election of Brent Chapman in Surrey South.


It was so refreshing to read the column by Khalil Jessa expressing his frustration over the election of someone like Brent Chapman from South Surrey in spite of his baggage of attacking Muslims. Hats off to his courage for being candid enough to acknowledge the betrayal by the silent majority.

Let me assure you, Khalil, that you are not alone in this. I, as a Canadian citizen of the Indian heritage, feel the same over our electorate's decision to give so many seats to a party whose candidates have been denying climate change, medical sciences, the inconvenient history of the residential schools, besides attacking the rights of the women and the LGBTQ. 

But let's face it that this isn't just about South Surrey or B.C. Just look at what happened south of the border. People chose a bigot over a better qualified candidate for the presidency. 

This is not to suggest that the NDP or the Democrats in U.S. are perfect. However, the way racism and prejudices are being normalized in North America is a cause of worry, and political liberals do need to take some responsibility for the constant growth of right-wing populism. 

Lasty, this bold column wouldn't have found a place in the print without the strong will of Julie MacLellan. I deeply appreciate her for not only publishing it but also making the white privileged readers understand that why it is important to listen to Khalil through her own brilliant piece. Her determination as an editor gives us a hope under these dark times created by majoritarian democracies across the globe.  

Gurpreet Singh, North Delta