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LETTER: White Rock year in review showed 'selective' bias

Why not mention the absence of another city councillor, writer asks
Outside of White Rock City Hall for letters page.
A year in review look at White Rock city council was 'selective' in presenting information, this writer says.


Re: White Rock city council year in review

Scrolling through the data in White Rock's online Council Voting Database shows several similar voting patterns among councillors, so the singling out of two for criticism – councillors Partridge and Cheung – suggests either bias or shoddy research.

The statement that similar voting has deprived an independent candidate of a council seat is a pretty selective use of information given that three other councillors are celebrated as "independent voices" despite the fact that they, too, share similar voting patterns.

If this is the writer's logic, it should also be said that the absence of another councillor for 140 votes – more than double that all other councillors combined – deprived a council seat to someone who would actually show up for council work. One could say that the bias and cherry picking in this article has deprived the people of White Rock of an accurate, balanced, independent evaluation of council's performance in 2024.

Rebecca Coulthard, Surrey