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LETTERS: High time to give it a rest

Editor: Sunday night, I was once again awoken all night every hour on the hour by those loud train horns, and I live uptown White Rock…


Sunday night, I was once again awoken all night every hour on the hour by those loud train horns, and I live uptown White Rock so can only imagine the sound radiating in the downtown core.

Perhaps the conductors of these trains did not get the message from their superiors that the horns are only to be blasted at night in emergency cases only, so the rest of us can get our rest.

Or perhaps they just like to hear the sounds of their own horns?

Whatever the case may be, I think it’s high time that we as a community started reporting these conductors to our own superiors by writing the dates and times down that these blasts constantly occur since we are awoken anyway by their stupidity, and only then we can start to put a name to the offence until they get the message to tone it down so the rest of us can get our rest!

Cheryl Berti, White Rock