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LETTERS: Homeless community members often treated like they’re disposable



The homeless community includes many who have been evicted while suffering significant mental health tribulations and, from there, they can become homeless long-term.

Tragically, it’s as though some people are considered disposable. Even to an otherwise democratic and relatively civilized nation, their worth is measured by their ‘productivity’ or lack thereof. Those people may then begin perceiving themselves as worthless and accordingly live their daily lives more haphazardly.

Perhaps on a subconscious level, a somewhat similar devaluation is observable in attitudes toward the daily civilian lives lost in devastating war zones and famine-stricken nations; the worth of such life will be measured by its ‘productivity,’overabundance and/or the protracted conditions under which it suffers. Those people can eventually receive a few column inches on the back page of the daily news.

Frank Sterle Jr., White Rock