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LETTERS: Insensitive to report on trial

Editor: I do not want to read anymore about this mother…


I do not want to read anymore in the Peace Arch News about this mother, Lisa Batstone, and the horrific crime that she is charged with committing against her own child (Mother intended to kill, Nov. 14; Found letters ‘a window’ into accused mom’s state of mind, Nov. 16; Church members pray for accused mother, Nov. 21.).

That’s enough. I am accusing Peace Arch News of extreme insensitivity and sensationalism. We’ve read it, we’re horrified and we are done with it.

If there is some kind of need, that I don’t understand, to report on this crime, then give it one or two lines at the end of the issue. We are shaken to our core and done with it.

Debbie Laturnus, Surrey