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LETTERS: Invasive technology is destroying social connections



Our society needs to get a better handle on invasive technology, such as cellphone apps and video games, that have created a social disconnect.

Cellphones, video games, self-serve checkouts, government apps, discount apps, etc. are all destroying the social fabric that keeps a community together and healthy.

It is only convenient for the corporations that continue to greedily farm the common person’s information.

Why is it necessary for every restaurant to have an ‘app’ for everything? And if we don’t use the ‘app’ there is an implied blackmail, right? No discount.

And what has happened to kids? We used to be able to sit down together, and play a game of cards. Now, if I ask someone to play cards with me, they look at me like I’m crazy.

Somehow we need to stop this invasion of high tech-gadgets that are destroying social connections.

How did we give allowance for technology to isolate us so extremely?

It’s getting to be a very lonely world, when we can’t just hang out and play cards or go out for coffee.

What happened? Will it ever stop?

Colin Fletcher, White Rock