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LETTERS: Lack of character

Editor: At $4,000-plus per site, White Rock’s new park signs do not appeal to very many that I speak with.
New signage has been added to White Rock parks.


At $4,000-plus per site, White Rock’s new park signs do not appeal to very many that I speak with.

These signs look like a USB flash drive, compared to the humble personality of heritage signs of old.

These are cold branding indicators I expect of the ultra-urban sterility the majority coalition council wants to impose, with more density towers anywhere and a $30 million unwanted carnival waterfront.

I observe dogs don’t mind which post they pee on. I don’t really like the bland cigar-tower look popping up, as similar clones to what Surrey has.

The future big gateway signs at key entry areas have yet to be unveiled and for which, sadly, we have no influence/voice as to the reshaping of the character of our city.

I observe an echo of power and decision-making patterns imposed from council as were seen in prime minister Stephen Harper’s ‘You won’t recognize Canada when I’m done’ or Donald Trump’s irrational bravado, disregarding cumulative negative impact and destroying what unites our unique community.

The gentle, calm quieter and caring natural low scale environment and community is sadly being remade as an urban clone expensive legacy project for generations to come by a cabal of a few.

Pat Petrala, White Rock