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LETTERS: Ministry has head in sand

Editor: Re: Cadieux defends ministry, Nov. 4.


Re: Cadieux defends ministry, Nov. 4.

If Minister of Children and Family Development Stephanie Cadieux reached beyond the rank and file to those of us who’ve had the teeth-gnashing experience of dealing with her ministry, she’d know that its tattered reputation springs not from “media scrutiny of individual cases,” but from horror stories passed from victim to victim, into the community.

Jungle drums – alive and well long before the first tragedy hit the news. Tragedy is how truth comes to light – the tip of the iceberg that points to what lies beneath.

Cadieux’s compelling need to defend both staff and system gives the clearest picture of a ministry with its head in the sand.

Divided loyalty constipates truth. And puts at risk the children and families she was hired to serve.

Truth alone will silence the drums and win my respect, Ms. Cadieux.

Maureen Kerr, Surrey