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LETTERS: Reasons to sound off?

Editor: Re: Beachfront chopper tours irk residents, July 27.


Re: Beachfront chopper tours irk residents, July 27.

I am irked! IRKED, I say!

I moved to White Rock and I hear noises! I join my fellow White Rockians in complaining about, well, everything! Trains, train whistles, helicopters, loud parties, Harleys on The Strip!

Human activity, people! Crowds! Fun! This means you!

OK, so maybe the helicopter guy doesn’t care and the helicopter noise really is annoying, but so are ISIL, world hunger and testicular cancer.

As for a noise-pollution solution where one doesn’t present itself, maybe I have to get over myself and stop being an old grumpy person who hates everything. Instead, I can choose not to be irked anymore by little annoyances while living in this busy, blessed, and joyfully human Little-Eden-By-The-Sea.

Perry Kilby, White Rock

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What is the difference between the citizens of White Rock and the helicopter controversy?

The helicopter only whines three days a week.

There was the train tracks, the train whistle, the train fence, the water, tall buildings, airplanes that flew over and on and on…

Maybe Whine Rock would be more apropos.

Ron Tomcheck, Surrey