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LETTERS: Speaking out over violence

Editor: Re: Deafening in their silence , July 26 letters.


Re: Deafening in their silence, July 26 letters.

Kudos to PAN for printing Stan Ley’s letter to the editor on failure of Muslims to speak out.

He talks about most Muslims hating Christians, but most of the wars in the Middle East are Muslims hating Muslims, Sunni versus Shia.

Will we be able to prevent trouble flaring up here in Canada when our immigration policy has bought many more refugees here from war-torn areas of the Middle East ?

Stephen Mckeever, White Rock

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Muslims – including the most prominent Muslim spiritual leaders across the world – have all been strongly condemning ISIS and obstinately speaking out against them.

The problem is the mainstream media is not covering them.

You really need to stop watching Fox News, Fox and Friends and random YouTube videos, and become more critical in your choice of news sources.

And you need to stop promoting and perpetuating discriminatory and uneducated anti-Muslim sentiment.

Sabrina Pagliaro, White Rock