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LETTERS: There is great value in mature trees



Mature trees are important. A few of their benefits include the production of oxygen, the sequestering of carbon dioxide, support of natural water systems, the resting and nesting opportunities for birds and other creatures, and the provision of shade.

Trees have an economic value, not only in improving our neighbourhoods by beautifying homes and community, and also lessening our dependence on city-wide engineering services. When development occurs, tree loss is inevitable.

Although tree-replacement planting does occur, the number of trees planted and species planted, does not provide the environmental benefits that the older, mature trees did.

Too often, city decision-makers, property owners and developers ignore or do not acknowledge the importance of trees.

Recent developments in South Surrey have occurred without the consideration of tree retention.

With good urban design, proper development can occur and many of the trees can be saved. It does take a realization by the property owner, city staff and council that trees are important and that new developments are improved when large mature trees are retained.

Let’s work together to make our communities better with the saving of our mature trees.

Janice Richmond, Surrey