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LETTERS: Tom Fletcher’s column fails to surprise



Re: It’s time to listen to doctors about opioids, Feb 13.

I was pleasantly surprised by Tom Fletcher’s column on Feb. 13 until I got to his use of the derogatory term “classic junkies” when drawing a line between them and the drug users who don’t fit the description because they “hold down jobs rather than descending to stealing or selling their bodies to get the next fix.”

I should have seen it coming. Mr. Fletcher’s trademark arrogance and continuing ignorance on this subject just had to sneak themselves into the story somehow. It happens every time.

As to his comment about construction workers scoring coke or meth because our culture teaches them that “getting high and partying are the main reasons to go to work,” well, goodness, what can I say to that? The statement is too stupid for words.

Does Mr. Fletcher know every construction worker and drug user in the Lower Mainland?

In the province? On the planet? Does he know the details of their lives and their histories?

Has he taken up residence inside their heads and their hearts?

Has he walked a mile in their shoes?

Does he live, eat and breathe their daily existence?

I think not.

Until he does and has, I would suggest that he stop making sweeping assumptive statements about any person other than himself. Is that too much to ask?

Apparently it is.

Maureen Kerr, South Surrey