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LETTERS: Traffic control no easy job

Editor: Re: Flaggers need more focus, resident says, July 20.


Re: Flaggers need more focus, resident says, July 20.

I have read this article and am appalled at the attack on traffic-control people.

It is not an easy job. We are on the road all day, dealing with all types of people. Most thank us for our good work, and I myself work hard.

We have slower days, and with the heat wave we deal with shade.

We also have so many people who think they can do whatever they want – cross the road into oncoming traffic, and drivers running red lights and turning on a no-left sign and doing U-turns in construction zones.

I get that people are upset with all the traffic and are disrupted, but we are here to get our trucks in safely and quick as possible.

Not once did I see a member of your news group come out and see both sides of a situation.

Roni Seymour, Surrey