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Mixed messages

Editor: Re: Federal budget thinks long term, April 3 editorial.


Re: Federal budget thinks long term, April 3 editorial.

Your editorial in Tuesday’s edition loudly toots the horn for the recent federal budget’s increase in the age to qualify for OAS, improvements to government employee pensions and cutting expenditures for deficit reduction, while commenting that it will be those who still remain working who will carry the brunt for future pension contributions, but it will be good in the long term.

At the same time, you run a Page 11 story about a federally funded employment program which was designed to help get young people job experience and into the workforce, and has been cut as part of those same federal government cutbacks to reduce the deficit (Coffee mates lament loss of program).

Aren’t these the same folks, if employed, whom the future contributions to government pensions will come from?

Good for the long term?

Which horn are you tooting?

John Haviland, Surrey