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Must be limits to government

Editor: So today’s paper (April 12) only had four pages of advertisements from the City of Surrey – excluding required notices on zoning.


So today’s paper (April 12) only had four pages of advertisements from the City of Surrey – excluding required notices on zoning.

I guess that counts as some degree of restraint, considering that last week’s paper had six pages.

Not that these are unnecessary ads; they cover such core city services as organizing Easter egg hunts, teaching children to embroider and showing people how to garden.

As we brace for a 40 per cent increase in property taxes this year, I have to ask: how long will the residents of this city put up with the most spendthrift council and egomanical mayor in the city’s history?

What will it take before people demand a government that only does what a city government must do? A decade of 10-15 per cent annual tax increases? When will voters wake up and demand financial responsibility?

Ed Beauregard, Surrey