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Not fun for all ages

Editor: Re: No place to ban children, Jan. 9 letters.


Re: No place to ban children, Jan. 9 letters.

Letter-writer Julie Lornie seems to believe that children should be allowed everywhere. Really?

How about adult movies, fine-dining restaurants, anywhere smoking is tolerated, bars, taverns, cabarets, casinos, adult parties,  homes that have not been child-proofed, boxing matches, strip clubs, any place that has live music, comedy clubs, live theatre, white-water rafting, bungee jumping, car races, demolition and construction sites, adult areas of libraries, hospitals (when they are not patients themselves), most workplaces, higher-end retail stores,  air traffic control towers, swingers’ clubs, bathhouses, S&M clubs, heavy-metal concerts, biker rallies, tattoo parlors, art museums, firing ranges, mechanics’ garages, auction houses, antique shops, raves…

Need I name more?

Basically, apart from the home and specifically child-oriented businesses or venues, it’s hard to imagine any place where children would not be potentially disruptive – even a danger.

And why are some people so concerned about low birth rates? This planet would be a lot more liveable and its dwindling resources more sustainable with a much smaller human population.

Jerry Steinberg, Surrey