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Party like it doesn’t matter

Editor: That must have been some party!


That must have been some party!

When I took one of my dogs for a walk in the ravine that is home to Elgin Creek, I discovered numerous empty bottles beside and in the creek. There was a Malibu Rum, a Havana Club, a Tequila Gold bottle, and several others.

Unfortunately, at least two of them had been smashed to bits: a Red Rum and a Sourpuss. It took me over half an hour – standing in the creek – to remove as many of the sharp glass shards as I could find.

Those jagged fragments could have done some major damage to my dog’s paws if he had walked into the creek. But, hey, it must have been a lot of fun smashing those bottles on the rocks in the creek!

Who cares about some stupid dog, anyway?

And, besides, you were probably so drunk, you don’t even remember being there, let alone smashing the bottles. I wonder what else you did that you don’t remember…

Yeah, you must have had a blast! Too bad you don’t remember it.

No need to invite me to your next party. I’ll be looking for you and I’ll know when and where it is.


Jerry Steinberg, Surrey