Cloverdale is getting some new turf fields.
Two grass fields on the north-east corner of Cloverdale Athletic Park (CAP) will soon be converted to turf.
Ali Wilkinson, president of Surrey United Soccer Club, told the Cloverdale Reporter construction is slated to begin in May.
The two grass fields, set up against 64th Avenue, have been, up until now, soccer-only fields.
Wilkinson noted of the two new synthetic turf fields going in, one will remain soccer-dedicated and one will be multi-sport.
“One will only be soccer; the other one will be soccer and lacrosse lines—for field lacrosse,” she explained. “And baseball has put a request in for baseball lines as well.”
The city is spending $11.3 million on the project, which will include a new parking lot to be built over an existing grass football field at CAP. The new lot, along 64th Avenue, will serve the two new turf fields along with a new covered training facility Surrey United Soccer Club is responsible for building.
Surrey United signed a 30-year lease with the city and will operate the covered facility, including booking in any sports clubs that may use it.
According to a statement from the Parks, Recreation and Culture department, “council approved the project to construct two new artificial turf fields and a new parking lot at Cloverdale Athletic Park through the 2024 Five-Year (2024-2028) Financial Plan – Capital Program.”
Corporate Report F003 was passed at city council's April 22, 2024, meeting.
“Public and stakeholder engagement took place in late 2024 and the project is currently in detailed design,” the statement noted. “Construction is anticipated to get underway in Q2 2025. The new artificial turf fields will be built on the location of existing grass fields.”