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Abbotsford high schools move to quarterly schedule due to COVID-19

Students will take two classes each quarter, instead of 4 or 5 per semester
The Abbotsford school district is moving to a quarterly schedule for high schools, instead of two semesters, in September.

The Abbotsford school district has announced that local high schools will move from two semesters to a quarterly schedule starting in September for the 2020-21 school year.

District spokesperson Kayla Stuckart said in a statement on the district website that the quarterly system involves students taking two courses at a time, instead of the usual four or five per semester.

Stuckart said the change is being introduced in preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic evolving.

“(It will) allow students to focus on fewer subjects at any one time, which will help ease the transition if schools have to move through the various pandemic stages, while facilitating at-home learning,” she said.

RELATED: Abbotsford School District survey asks for input on partial return to classes

Stuckart said students could take one subject in the morning and one in the afternoon, or both courses in the afternoon.

She said they will continue to receive the same amount of instructional time as under the semester system, but it will be a blend of online learning and in-class work.

“In-person classes will vary in time according to the respective school,” Stuckart stated.

She said parents and students can expect to receive information from their schools in mid-August to outline the specifics.

Information can also be obtained on their school’s website in coming weeks or by contacting their school the week before school start-up.

RELATED: Abbotsford School District releases snapshot on year following COVID-19 closures

Vikki Hopes

About the Author: Vikki Hopes

I have been a journalist for almost 40 years, and have been at the Abbotsford News since 1991.
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