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LETTER: Canadians deserve a break from taxes



Re: Robert Davies letter, PAN letters, April 11

Robert Davies claimed that our MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay’s comments on the carbon tax had “disturbing traits.”

But will taxing B.C.ers into poverty actually change the weather?

Why is it “lame” to be promoting natural gas production, one of the cleanest of our energy sources?

Is it fair that we as Canadians are forcibly driving up the cost of food, housing, and home heating, making ourselves non-competitive, when major polluters like China and India are getting a pass?

Why is the carbon-absorbing capacity of our Canadian trees not being factored into the measuring of our net carbon emissions?

Is it not time to re-examine the net-carbon benefits of clean Canadian nuclear reactors?

With inflation at a 30-year high, and gas prices skyrocketing, Canadians deserve a break, not an increase in the carbon tax.

Rev. Dr. Ed Hird, Surrey