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LETTER: Pick up after your pooch

Not others’ job to pick up your dog’s poop bags


This letter is sent in response to the letter by Karen Miller, Pick Up Your Poop Bags (PAN letters, April 4).

Ms. Miller complains about dog owners “flinging their poop bags into the woods.”

I couldn’t agree more that, besides being disgusting, this is incomprehensible. She says: “If capable of bagging it, are they too weak to carry it out?” Some doggy bags are labelled “compostable,” but that takes a very long time and doesn’t make it OK to despoil the forest.

Ms. Miller goes on to say: “Others would be glad to pick it up if you would leave it on the path.”

Really? Who would these “others” be?

I walk my dog regularly through all the forested areas of our community. I carry at least two bags to pick up and take the bags with me to dispose of properly. I am not one of the “others” who would be glad to pick up bags left by lazy, irresponsible owners, although I have done so.

I doubt if walkers without dogs wish to take on this service either.

Many times while walking in the forest I have discussed this with people, dog owners or not, and none of us can understand why people leave their bags along the trail.

We can only figure that these inconsiderate, disrespectful people expect “others” to pick up after them.

To be clear – it is not the job of “others” to pick up your dog’s bags.

We “others” are not glad to do this.

Our forested areas are precious to our community. Do the right thing.

It’s great that you pick up but don’t throw the bag in the woods and don’t leave it by the path either. Take the bag with you to dispose of properly. Stop defacing the forest, take responsibility for your dog and don’t expect “others” to clean up after you.

Ann Harris, South Surrey