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LETTERS: Capitalism to take back seat

Editor : This letter is in response to the transit-fare increase beginning on July 1.


This letter is in response to the transit-fare increase beginning on July 1.

The compilation of transit riders is an abundant and diverse group. They are usually made up of individuals who are unemployed, low-wage earners, students, seniors, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

The transit-fare increase can be viewed as a sort of oppression to these marginalized collections of people. These are individuals whose lives require the use of transit in order for them to achieve mobility for activities such as going to and from work, school, medical appointments and getting groceries. All simple acts of human dignity.

Yet, they have to pay more for what could arguably be an essential service. This is capitalism at its finest! Creating a class gap through mobility and taking more from the individuals who put in gruelling laborious days to support themselves and their families.

Transit is also far better on the environment than driving a vehicle. This is another reason why transit fare prices should not be going up. Social justice and community health issues must be taken into account.

Capitalist ideals need to “take a back seat on the bus.”

Jessica Wozniak, Surrey