For volunteers with a South Surrey law firm, the main takeaway from a recent beach cleanup in White Rock – aside from the more than 50 pounds of trash that was removed – was that getting outdoors together and doing good in the community leads to an enormous sense of accomplishment.
Lawyers, staff, family and friends from Forte Workplace Law took part in the July 4 effort at White Rock beach.
Through the OceanWise Shorline Cleanup, volunteers picked up bottle caps, plastic straws, cigarette butts and much more from the city’s waterfront.
“This was a great team-building activity, doing good for the earth and our community, while getting some fresh air and exercise,” said lawyer Sara Forte, in a news release.
“We had so many walkers and other people at the beach come up to say thank you. We left with a great feeling of community.”
The OceanWise Shoreline Cleanup website is easy to use to set up a clean up location and date for any companies or community organizations, she added.
“Our values at Forte Workplace Law are heart, courage and kindness, and this aligned perfectly for our team.”