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Rotary members adopt Bryant Park

Club does clean-up five times a year at White Rock park.
Rotary members spruce up Bryant Park as part of their adoption of the White Rock green space.

Members of the White Rock Millennium Rotary got down and dirty in soil at Bryant Park Wednesday night, weeding and watering the greenery they planted in July.

Last year, the club adopted Bryant Park, after helping with its development in 2003 as part of the Rotary Centennial Project.

“The Rotary provided $30,000 in financing for developing the park and residents nearby donated $6,000 in memorial benches and stones. It’s been a real community thing from the get-go,” said Rotary member Joanne Taylor.

As part of the adoption, the group gets together five times a year to get the park into tip-top shape, with help from the City of White Rock, planting greenery and flowers, weeding and watering.

“It was the natural step to take, adopting the park, after we had helped get it developed. It’s dear to our hearts,” Taylor said.

“We all love it. It’s something all the members look forward to. People should stop by and see the efforts.”