Doing some spring cleaning? Start packing up your gently used treasures and bring them to Kent Street this Saturday at 9 a.m. for the Kent Street car trunk sale.
For only $5, purchase a seller’s stall in our parking lot and sell right from the trunk of your car. Profits are yours to keep and we welcome any newcomers.
Call 604-541-2231 today if you would like to reserve a stall. Weather permitting.
n Please note that there is only one week remaining to have your income tax completed by our community volunteer income tax program.
This service is available to those 65+ and on low income. You must provide your paperwork to the Kent Street office and our volunteers will file your return electronically.
Please call 604-541-2231 for more info.
• Trained White Rock Community Policing volunteers are available to do a free security audit of your home.
Doors, windows, landscaping, and lighting will be reviewed for security.
After the inspection, the home owner will be left with recommendations on how to upgrade the security of their residence.
Contact 778-593-3611 to arrange a security review.
• Do you enjoy entertaining? Learn some new techniques that will impress your guests.
Beginning Thursday, May 26, a four-session workshop on the Creative Art of Entertaining will be presented in the Kent Street classroom.
Learn about gift presentation, creative floral arrangements, upholstery and decorative cushion design and invitation card design. See the display in the foyer.
Call 604-541-2199 to register or for more details.
• A reminder that the Kent Street Annual Plant Sale is coming up.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m. till noon.
This is a perfect opportunity to get started on your garden while supporting the Kent Street Seniors’ Society. Purchase outdoor plants, seeds, herbs and seedlings the day of the sale or donate these items the day before, on Friday, April 29.
Help us spread the word by telling a friend.
• Local lawyer Al Benson will be back at Kent Street on Wednesday May 4 at 9:30 a.m., offering his legal services for those 55+ on low income.
If you have legal queries, please call 541.2231 to let us know you’re coming. This service is offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
• Don’t miss out. The Kent Street Showcase (formerly called the Variety Show) takes place on Sunday, May 15 from 2-4:30 p.m.
For only $8 a ticket, enjoy two hours of great entertainment plus a coffee. Stay tuned for more details…
• Join us in the Kent Street auditorium tonight for an evening of social dancing to the sounds of Johnny Hsu.
Doors open at 7 p.m., with dancing to live music from 7:30-10:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door.
• Happy Easter!
White Rock Leisure Services (Kent Street, Centennial and White Rock Community Centre) will be closed on Good Friday, April 22 and Easter Monday, April 25, reopening on Tuesday, April 26.
The Kent Street Activity Centre, located at 1475 Kent St., is open to people 55 years of age or better. For information on activities, programs and volunteer opportunities, call 604-541-2231.