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YOUTH VOICE: School year a chance for fresh start

As summer break winds down, students now begin preparing for yet another school year

In a few weeks, students across the region will be heading back to school, and already the hustle and bustle of shopping for school supplies and clothes is in full swing.

According to a survey conducted by Pollara, it is anticipated $428 will be spent for each child on new items for the upcoming school year.

In addition to buying supplies and clothes, it is important for students to prepare mentally.

A new school year offers students the opportunity to begin a fresh chapter in their academic path. It is a great chance for them to set goals.

Now is also a moment for students to focus on past successes and not dwell on failures.

By adopting an attitude of positivity, hard work and optimism, students will be ready to tackle any new challenge.

Certainly, it is positive to learn from past weaknesses and improve them in the future. The new academic year offers students an opportunity to start fresh and begin from a clean slate.

For elementary students, the next two weeks bring an opportunity to get acquainted with the school schedule and maybe begin regular bedtime routines, to help them gradually get back into school mode.

For older students, now is an opportunity to set goals, arrange study schedules and consider options for extracurricular and volunteer activities that they hope to participate in for the next semester.

University and college students can also consider possible programs that may help prepare them for an exchange or co-op term next spring or summer semester.

Students of all grade levels can research any campus study help or resources available to them before the school year begins. For students in elementary and high school, for instance, there are after-school study clubs, and many teachers are also available for help. University students should look into study resources offered by TAs and professors.

By preparing oneself for the new grade or semester, one can build a solid foundation for the first few weeks of school.

The new school year offers everyone the chance to hit the reset button and begin anew. With focus and hard work, any student can achieve academic and extracurricular excellence.

Japreet Lehal writes monthly for Peace Arch News on youth issues.