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Peninsula acts shine at PNE Showdown

South Surrey singer Benjamin Dunnill, 12, took second place in the Kids' Division of the PNE's Star Showdown Sunday, while South Surrey-based rock band Mortal Soil placed third in the Youth Division.
Clockwise from left: Angella Slaunwhite

South Surrey singer Benjamin Dunnill, 12, took second place in the Kids' Division of the PNE's  Star Showdown Sunday, while South Surrey-based rock band Mortal Soil placed third in the Youth Division.

The results ensure both acts a place in the finals of the annual talent contest Tueesday (Aug. 23) at the fair.

Dunnill's dynamic set included his original song I'm A Performer, self-accompanied on keyboard.

Mortal Soil features drummer and Earl Marriott Secondary student Stefan Grabowski, 15, guitarist Michael James, 14, and bassist Tek Leung,

White Rock dancer (and fellow Earl Marriott student) Angella Slaunwhite, 17 also performed a lyrical solo to Pink's I Don't Believe You in her first attempt in the youth category of the contest.

Slaunwhite – who has made it to the semi-finals twice before in the Kids' Division –   interpreted the song as the inner thoughts of a cheerleader who has just broken up with her high school boyfriend.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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