Surrey Libraries’ new superloan program is coming to high-demand eBooks and eAudiobooks that can be “found, borrowed and read on a first-come, first-served basis” through two apps.
With the new superloan program, according to a release from Surrey Libraries, eBooks and eAudiobooks will be available for a shorter loaning period – seven days instead of 21 – than the library’s other digital books. There also won’t be late fees as the titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period.
It will “help satisfy fast readers looking to get their hands on the latest releases and bestsellers,” the release reads.
Using the Libby or Overdrive apps, people can browse all available superloan titles in the “Skip the Line” list, which will change as books are returned to the collection.
Amy Ashmore, manager of collections services with Surrey Libraries, said digital lending is a key part of the libraries’ services. She said in the last year, Surrey Libraries has seen a 28.5-per-cent increase in users borrowing eBooks and eAudiobooks.
“Digital books and audio are the fastest growing areas of Surrey Libraries’ collections and we are thrilled to be able to offer patrons the newest titles as soon as possible,” said Ashmore.
The superloan program, according to the release, is compatible with all major computers and devices, including iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows tablets. Readers can also download books onto the Libby and Overdrive apps for offline use.
Overdrive, according to the release, is “the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide.” Libby was created by Overdrive.
Surrey Libraries has also increased the number of eBooks and eAudiobooks that can be placed on hold in Libby or Overdrive to 15.
READ ALSO: Surrey Libraries lobbying for better reader access to eBooks, July 10, 2019
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