White Rock residents will have a chance to voice their opinions on a proposed bylaw change to accommodate a 12-storey project for Vidal Street.
Council authorized staff to set up a date for a public hearing on the proposed change to Zoning Bylaw 2000 during the March 25 meeting.
According to city staff, the hearing will most likely take place in April, although no date has been confirmed at Peace Arch News' press time Monday.
If the bylaw is approved, building of the multi-unit residential complex, consisting of 12 townhomes and 97 apartment units at 1467 to 1519 Vidal St., could proceed.
Both Mayor Wayne Baldwin and Coun. Al Campbell voiced their disapproval of the project at the meeting, with Baldwin noting the timing being a main concern.
"I'm going to be voting against the bylaw. I think it's a good project, but it's too early and takes away from our other priorities," Baldwin said.
Prior to the council meeting, director of development services Paul Stanton had recommended rejecting the project based on concerns with height and density for the area, as well as tree loss and traffic issues.