Meeting Date: Monday March 6, 2023
Meeting at City Hall
13450 - 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC
Commencing: 7PM
Live Streamed at
These applications are at the Public Hearing stage, which is a critical time for public input. Please see for Public Hearing items located south of Colebrook Road/52 Avenue and Cloverdale.
“Surrey Zoning Bylaw, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment Bylaw, 2023, No. 20852”
Application: 7922-0229-00
Location: 19082 - 32 Avenue (19078 – 32 Avenue)

Purpose of Bylaw and Development Variance Permit: The applicant is requesting to rezone the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from Intensive Agriculture Zone and Light Impact Industrial Zone to Business Park 1 Zone in order to develop a 2,979 square metre cold storage facility.
In addition, the proposal includes a Development Variance Permit to reduce the industrial parking rate from 1.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres to 0.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres.
“Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 103 (CD 103), Bylaw, 2023, No. 20853”
Application: 7923-0004-00
Location: 13826 - 18 Avenue

Purpose of Bylaw: The applicant is requesting to rezone the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from Half-Acre Residential Gross Density Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to permit the construction of a single-family dwelling.
“Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2013, No. 18020, Amendment Bylaw, 2023, No. 20848”
“Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 100 (CD 100), Bylaw, 2023, No. 20849”
Application: 7921-0017-00
Location: 19145 – 34A Avenue

Purpose of Bylaws: The applicant is requesting to amend Table 7A: Land Use Designation Exceptions within the “Mixed Employment” designation by adding site specific permission for the subject site shown shaded in grey on the location map to permit a density up to 1.23 FAR (net calculation). The proposal also includes rezoning the subject site from Comprehensive Development Zone (CD Bylaw Nos. 17146 and 17934) to a new Comprehensive Development Zone in order to permit the development of an 8,573 square metre light-impact industrial building with ancillary self-storage warehouse space on the third-storey.
“Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 99 (CD 99), Bylaw, 2023, No. 20851”
Application: 7922-0191-00
Location: 2825 and 2981 – 192 Street; 2898 – 190 Street

Purpose of Bylaw and Development Variance Permit: The applicant is requesting to rezone a portion of the subject site shown shaded in solid grey on the location map and labelled as Block A from Intensive Agriculture Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone, and the remaining portion of the subject site shown hatched and labelled as Block B from Intensive Agriculture Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to permit the development of two multi-tenant light-impact industrial buildings with an ancillary commercial node with a total floor area of 22,607 square metres and 44,795 square metres. The exact location and area definition of the lands being amended can be found in the Survey Plan contained within the bylaw.
In addition, the proposal includes a Development Variance Permit to reduce the industrial parking rate from 1.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres to 0.983 parking spaces per 100 square metres.
Submit online at or email City Clerk at
Fax or mail a letter to City Hall: 13450 - 104 Avenue, V3T 1V8 Fax: 604-501-7578
Please refer to the City of Surrey Website at and follow the instructions regarding the sign-up process.