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Arts community served so well

Editor: Congratulations to the Semiahmoo Arts Council for hosting such a warm, multi-faceted celebration of their new address.


Congratulations to the Semiahmoo Arts Council for hosting such a warm, multi-faceted celebration of their new address at the Mel Edwards Centre.

The grand opening was well attended by artists, musicians, dignitaries and an appreciative public. The formality of the occasion’s brief yet apt speeches was balanced by dance, poetry and song.

No doubt Peace Arch News arts advocate Alex Browne’s recent article (Opening marks fresh start for arts group, May 31) featuring the venue encouraged a good turnout.

As well, the apparent organization of Semiahmoo Arts manager Melissa Sumner and the attractive and up-to-date web page has kept readers informed not only about the grand opening, but also about cultural events in the Peninsula.

President Barbara Cooper and the board of directors have shown tremendous leadership in fulfilling the council’s mission ‘to support and enhance a cultural and artistic community environment,’ despite provincial funding cuts, and subsequent scramble to find a new home base. How fortunate for us to have them serving us so well.

D. Petersen, White Rock